Do you ever say “I love you” to your spouse, your children or your parents? Do you ever say “I love you” to those in your life that you love? How do you show your love to the people that you care about the most?
I’m asking you these questions because I was thinking the other day about how much I love God and I realized that I don’t typically tell God how much I love Him. I say I love you to my loved ones, but I never just say “I love you” to God. Then I realized that I should do that. When I’m worshiping and praising God I should tell Him how much I love Him.
I am so thankful and grateful to God for saving me, for loving me. 1 John 4:19 says, “We love him (God), because he (God) first loved us.” That’s why I talk about Jesus to friends and strangers alike -out of love. That’s why I write a blog, post on Facebook, hand out Gospel tracts and do open-air preaching, I do these things out of love. Out of my love for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I witness to others out of my love for Jesus and my concern for the lost.
If you are a Christian, I want to challenge you to share your faith with others. Jesus said in Mark 16:15, “Go into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Do you love God? Are you concerned for this lost and dying world? Then please, witness to others. If you don’t know how to do that, I highly recommend that you go to the Way of the Master. They have a lot of wonderful evangelism tools and information there for free. You can also purchase Gospel tracts, videos and books about evangelism there too.
Another thing you can always do is share your testimony with someone. It’s very easy. Just talk to a friend or stranger about something in the natural – the weather, sports, news, etc. Then swing the conversation over to the spiritual. Ask the person if they grew up with a Christian background (or a religious background). Surprisingly, most people will answer you. Really listen to what they tell you. Then, tell them how you came to faith. You should write something out ahead of time. Not to memorize, but you should write it out so you will be comfortable talking to others about your faith. You should try to keep it to around 3 to 4 minutes. After you share your faith, ask the person if what you have said makes sense to them. If they say no, elaborate more. If they do understand, ask them where they think they are spiritually right now.
Christians, God loves you. He sent Jesus to suffer and die on the cross in your place. We should be so thankful that we run out and tell everyone about the great love that God has for us. Tell God that you love Him and then show your love and share your love by sharing your faith with others. I believe that’s the most sincere way to say to God “I love you.”