I Like Jesus
Ministry Update October 29, 2017
Friday night while I was bringing a message, Conner handed out tracts. He offered tracts to a group of young men and they refused the tracts, but one of them said “I like Jesus.” I like Jesus, just like saying I like the color red. No real emotion or anything. Have we become a society so used to social media that we just break everything down to what we like or dis-like? I didn’t hear the young man, but I suspect it wasn’t just like as in liking a Facebook post. I think the young man was indicating that he likes Jesus. That Jesus is alright by him.
But when you are truly a child of God’s, do you really just “like Jesus?” If someone mentioned the majestic name of Jesus to me, I wouldn’t just respond “I like Jesus.” Like a nonchalant attitude. No, I’d say I love Jesus! I love Jesus because He first loved me! I love Jesus because He saved a wretched sinner like me! If you are truly born-again, can you really just say I like Jesus like it’s no big deal? I don’t think so. If you nonchalantly like Jesus, you might want to examine yourself and see if you are in the faith.
Also, while I was on the stump, a guy yelled out something like “tell that to my aborted baby.” I’m not sure where that came from. I wasn’t even preaching against abortion. (I am against abortion, I just wasn’t talking about it at that exact moment.) Then Conner preached after me and he continued with the same theme of Romans 1.
Romans 1 Being Proven Right Before Our Very Eyes
After he finished up, we were both standing around handing out tracts. Two women walked by across the street and one yelled, “Why are you just standing around when it’s so cold out?” I yelled back that we are telling people about Jesus Christ. I asked them if He is their Lord and Savior. The other girl yelled back I eat p____. Sadly, but predictably, they were proving Romans 1 is true, right before our very eyes. Conner and I marveled at how that works. God speaks His truth in the Holy Bible, and many times while out witnessing, people prove it over and over again. I previously had preached how people suppress the truth in unrighteousness because they love their sins, and this young woman just yelled it out – loud and proudly.
Even though it was a very cold night, we were pleasantly surprised by the number of people that took tracts. Before we ended the night, there was a decent crowd up the street from us, so I brought another short message. Some people encouraged us. One gentleman that thanked us before and encouraged us again as he walked by. Earlier in the night two different couples made encouraging comments after they realized that they had received Gospel tracts. They more than offset the several mockers and the guy who threw a tract on the ground as he walked away.
Jesus Died For His Own Sins
No, I am not a heretic, I’m repeating what the young man said at MSU on Wednesday. Brian brought a message first and then I went after him. As I was nearing the end of the message where I was pleading with students to repent and trust Jesus because He died for guilty sinners like us, the young man walked by and said “Jesus died for His own sins.” I quickly yelled back “you need to repent young man.” That’s blasphemous. That’s anti-Christ. And it is. When you say that Jesus died for His sins, when He is the sinless Son of God, you are very much anti-Christ.
The atheist skateboarder also rode by, but this week he just smiled as he rolled by. A new skateboarder came by when I had both hands raised above my head, pleading with students to come to Jesus. He came up and slapped me a high five and kept on going. We also handed out several tracts, even though more students rejected them than took them. May the Lord wake up this sleeping generation of young people. May God convict these lost souls over their sinfulness and reveal His Holiness to them. Our prayer is that God will grant them repentance and faith in Jesus Christ our Lord.