1. David Ikosa

    To whomever it may concern,

    My name is David Ikosa. I have been following the Seek & Save the Lost Ministries for Months now. I commend you for doing all you can to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with those who live where you reside in Springfield, Missouri, America.

    I want to know, is there more we can do to assist the homeless Humans, in terms of Books, Clothing, Drink, Entertainment, Food, Shelter, Shoes, Stationery, Transportation, Toiletries, etc?

    Please let me know.

    • dennis@seekandsavethelost.com

      Absolutely. Be sure to share the Gospel through witnessing to those you encounter or be sure to hand out Gospel tracts too. Some of my friends have handed out blessing bags provided by their church (with tracts), we’ve given out sleeping bags, bought meals and handed out water, etc. It’s always great to help out physically when you are able, but lost souls mainly need to be spiritually fed. So please don’t forget that part when helping others with their physical needs.

      • David Ikosa

        Hello Dennis,

        Oh, okay. I try to do so, but I do not have much. I really want to go beyond the spiritual aspect of Humans needs, & also reach their physical aspect of these Humans needs as well. Is there a way to donate to this Ministry, so that both I, & others can make it happen?

        Thank you.

        • dennis@seekandsavethelost.com

          David, thank you for your kind offer. I’ve never asked for donations. Let me pray about that and get back with you. Thanks, Dennis

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