Hell Bound Sinner Satanist Transgender Former Catholic Dancers and Several Christians
Ministry Update August 28 2016
Hellbound sinner, Satanist, transgender, former Catholic, dancers and several Christians; I know this sounds like the lead in to a bad joke, but it isn’t. These are just some of the folks we encountered witnessing downtown last Friday night. Kelly, Steven, Erica, Diana, Elise, Serenity, Aaron, Summer and I were getting ready to sing hymns when someone handed a Chick tract to the Hell bound sinner.
He started tearing the pages out and throwing them back at our group. Then he started saying that he couldn’t wait to go to Hell. He wrongly thinks that he will someday party with his friends in Hell, but he is in for a rude awakening. Instead of partying, he will suffer eternal torments for his rebellion against God and his rejection of Jesus Christ our Lord. He will someday cry like a little baby as he’s weeping and gnashing his teeth in the flames of Hell, unless he repents and puts his faith in Jesus.
While we were singing hymns a transgender (man who dresses like a woman) walked by us with a woman beside him. I tried to hand both of them tracts, but they refused. We have tried to witness to this man in the past. He may feel like a woman on the inside, he may dress like a woman, he may really want to be a woman, but he is a man created by God in God’s very own image. Can you imagine standing before God on Judgment Day trying to convince God that HE made a mistake when He made you? This man needs to turn from his wickedness and turn to Jesus before it’s too late.
I was holding a sign standing next to Kelly while he preached a message on Hell. (It’s too bad the Hell bound sinner didn’t stick around to hear his message). A teenage girl dressed in black walked right beside me so I stuck out a tract for her to take, but instead she held up her palm toward me and she had a pentagram drawn on her hand. A little while later she walked back by me again and before I could say anything she stuck her hand up again. So this time I told her that Jesus was more powerful than that little sign on her hand. I pleaded with her to repent and trust Jesus. She didn’t walk by us anymore that night.
We had a couple of people walk up near us while we were singing hymns and dancing. It’s always quite bizarre when people dance like they are dancing to rock music while we are singing hymns. The great old hymns don’t really go with dancing and this makes sense because the purpose of the hymns are to glorify God, not to please men. Right when we ended singing, a former Catholic came up and talked to us. He mainly spoke to Aaron, but sometimes he’d scatter questions to Kelly and myself. But he really just kept shot gunning questions in rapid fire succession. Anytime a person does this, they really aren’t interested in truth. They just want to mock God and keep on believing the lies that they swallowed.
Throughout the night we encountered several people who said that they are Christians. I talked briefly with two young men who attend Baptist Bible College and they already attend a local Baptist Church. Then later on a young lady who attends Southwest Baptist wanted to know where we all attend because she’s looking for a church. So I handed her an invite card to Crossway Baptist Church and I told her that’s where Summer and I belong. I then pointed her to Kelly and told her that he goes to Macedona Baptist Church and that Aaron is the pastor of his church and that she could get a tract with his church’s information on it from Diana or one of the girls near her.
Steven (Kelly’s son) was a tracting machine again Friday night. He ran all over the square handing out tracts. The thing I really appreciate about him is when someone rejects a tract, he just goes on to the next person. While Aaron was preaching I was standing next to a guy listening to his sermon. A couple of guys walked up to my left and sort of behind me. So I turned around and tried to hand both of them tracts, but they refused it. Stephen marched right over to them and one guy still refused the tract, but the other one took one. I love it when someone takes a tract right after they refused to take one.
Back at MSU
On Wednesday August 24, 2016, Aaron, Brian and I witnessed at MSU and it was great to be back at MSU. All three of us brought messages and we handed out several hundred tracts. Aaron brought his cross and used it during his sermon.
I went first and then Brian brought a message after me. While he was preaching, Aaron stood near him holding the cross, while I handed out tracts to students. More students took them than rejected them.
One young man walked up and recorded Brian preaching. After he finished recording, I walked over and tried to hand him a tract. He refused and said “I’m not really interested in that.” Then I encouraged him to take the tract anyway and read it later. He looked at me, looked at the tract, shrugged his shoulders and took the tract! He stayed the whole time Brian preached. When Aaron started preaching, the young man recorded some of his message and he stayed around for most of it. May God convict him and many other students who heard the Gospel and received tracts.
(These updates are provided to encourage Christians to share their faith in Jesus Christ with others)
So very thankful for all that you folks do God bless you all.
Thanks brother.