Ministry Update July 26, 2015
Kelly I witnessed at MSU on July 21, 2015 with Rich, Jody and their three boys for the last time. You see, Rich and his family are saying goodbye to America and hello to China. They literally sold all of their possessions yesterday at an auction. They have 10 suitcases and five carry-on bags packed. So I ask you, are you committed to Jesus? How committed are you? Are you willing to sell everything that you own? Is there anything in your life that you are holding on to? Do you have anything that you say Lord, you can have all of me, but I’m not willing to give up _________?
We had a great time witnessing. Kelly and I brought short messages because we wanted Rich to preach all that he wanted to. It will be a while before he can do open-air again. We handed out tracts and Rich’s boys helped us with that. I think it was his youngest son that came up to Rich while he was preaching and said that he needed more tracts. I loved it! I had one lady and Kelly had several people that came up and thanked us for being there on campus sharing the Gospel.
I love Rich, my brother in Christ very much. I’m going to miss him and miss witnessing with him. He has such a heart for the lost. He speaks God’s unvarnished truth, but he does with compassion. I pray that God protects him, his family and what they are going to do. Please join me in praying for them and you can click on Hagen Nation and go to their website to keep up with their ministry. Please consider supporting them financially if you are able to do so.
It’s been really hot here in the Ozarks and Friday night was no exception, except right when we started singing hymns. We were singing Jesus Paid it All and the wind started blowing really hard out of the Northeast (rain usually comes from the West). It was blowing so hard that we had to drop down and sing the last verse of the song and then grab our equipment and move to the pavilion. The wind was so strong that a limb broke off a tree just South of where we were standing. The wind lessened a little when it actually started raining, so we started singing hymns again. After a few songs it stopped raining and Kelly, Aaron and I preached short messages and we finished a little early with singing some more hymns. We didn’t have many conversations, but I think Aaron spoke to a young man who is going to be a missionary.
(This update is being shared to encourage Christians to share their faith in our Lord Jesus with others. Please hand out tracts, share your testimony or do something to reach the lost. Life is short and the days are evil, so it’s even more important to shine the light of Jesus in this dark world)
Please send my prayers to Rich and Jodi!!! There was never a doubt that their faith would lead them this way!!! Glory to God!!! Glory to God!!! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!!!!!
Amen! I passed your comments on to Rich. Thanks, Dennis