God Will Not Be Mocked
Ministry Update December 18, 2016
Friday night was a cold windy night, but that didn’t keep the mockers from coming out in full force. Aaron was preaching about how long suffering God is toward sinners and he pretty much had one mocker right after the other, the whole time he preached. But a motorcycle rider sat there revving his engine trying to drown out the preaching and just like we’ve seen before, he pealed out and lost control and wrecked the motorcycle. Pieces of his bike broke off. I was witnessing to a vendor across the street, but Aaron went over and preached to the rider, reminding him that God will not be mocked. Just like every other unrepentant sinner, the man needs to repent and trust Jesus.
I Want To Punch You In the Face
Before the motorcycle incident, a man walked up to Aaron and said “I want to punch you right in the face.” Again, Aaron was preaching on how long suffering God is toward sinners and the irate man just kept threatening to punch him. While this man was going crazy another man walked up and kept yelling shut the f up; over and over and over. He finally got tired of yelling and walked away. That’s when the vendor across the street came up to me and asked me to walk across the street to where he was set up because he wanted to have a conversation with me.
This Isn’t How Jesus Would Do It
So I went across the street and tried to talk to him, but it was pretty much a one sided conversation. He talked so long, bringing up so many different issues that I finally asked him if we were really going to have a conversation. He finally stopped criticizing us for preaching too much about Hell. I asked him who talked about Hell more than anybody else in the Bible and he admitted Jesus did. He was raised Catholic, even though it sounded like he had a rough childhood.
The Greek Word For Hell Means Age
But now the young man is a Universalist that believes Hell isn’t for all of eternity. Everyone is going to bow the knee and be reconciled to God, even Satan. I told him that everyone is going to bow the knee, but the Bible doesn’t say anything about everyone being reconciled to God. It also doesn’t say anything about people suffering in Hell temporarily until they have paid their debt and then they gain entry into Heaven. He kept claiming that we were trying to force our beliefs on everyone and that Hell being eternal was our interpretation and that we are wrong. If this young man dies in his sins without surrendering his life to Jesus, sadly he will find out when it’s too late that God’s wrath against unrepentant sinners is everlasting punishment.
Preach Your Hate Somewhere Else
While this was going on, three homeless people walked up to Aaron (these same ones previously yelled at me when I was bringing a message) and yelled “preach your hate somewhere else.” We were actually handing out socks and hand warmers to the homeless that night, but these three haters of God’s truth even refused to take any. The woman was the most vile of the three and just kept yelling for us to stop preaching hate. When she walked by me earlier, I was preaching on the love of God, demonstrated through the sacrifice of His only begotten Son on the cross for guilty sinners. When she yelled at Aaron, again he was talking about how long suffering God is. So the ironic part was, she was the hateful one yelling at us, not the other way around.
No Yelling
At MSU on Wednesday, it was finals week, so Brian, Aaron and I didn’t preach. The students accuse us of being the crazy preachers who yell, but we really don’t yell at them. We do talk loudly so more students can hear, but we aren’t yelling at them. But this day there was “no yelling.” Instead of preaching we handed out, The Second Greatest Lie Ever Told, One Second After You Die and Gospel of John booklets.
We handed out around 110 to 120 of these in 30 minutes. When we ran out, we handed out Gospel tracts after that. Brian also handed out bottles of water which went quickly too. Even though it was a cold day, I think several students appreciated the water for when they taking their finals. Brian and I noticed that when they took a bottle of water from him, they were more likely to take a booklet from me.
(We hope and pray the students read the booklets, tracts and people from downtown read the tracts they received. May God convict and convert unrepentant sinners through the preaching, Gospel tracts and one to one conversations. Just because God didn’t punish the other mockers Friday night, doesn’t mean that He won’t later on. He will because God will not be mocked. These updates are provided to encourage Christians to share their faith in Jesus Christ with others.)
You do a wonderful thing Dennis. God bless you and your wonderful endeavors.
Thanks Deborah. All for the glory of God.