I recently read Foxe’s Christian Martyrs. This book is a tough read. It is a book that every Christian should read. He describes the gruesome deaths of Christians from the Apostles to martyrs in the 1500’s. Some of the martyrs were tortured beyond belief.
After reading the book, I realized that we are very fortunate in the United States. Yes, you may get laughed at or heckled for sharing your faith, but very very rarely is it ever life threatening. It also made me think of all the countries around the world where people are tortured and killed for their belief in Jesus Christ. If you live (or witness) in one of those countries, I pray that God gives you His strength and courage to stand up for your faith, even if God asks you to become a martyr.
For the rest of us believers, we need to go out and preach the Gospel, witness to friends and strangers alike. Over 150,000 people die every day. Sadly, the majority of those people are not Christians. May God give you and me the conviction to share our faith; may He give us His words to speak to others.
There is no time like the present to tell others the Good News about Jesus Christ. Luke 24:46-47 says, “Thus it is written, and thus it behoved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day: And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.” Boldly proclaim to others that they need to repent from their sins and put their faith in Jesus.
ChristianAudio had this as their free download a few years back. Listening to the absolute horror that these saints suffered for the sake of Christ, makes one think about how serious their faith really is. Would I choose death given the opportunity to recant and live? We have no idea how blessed we are to live in this country. May we use this freedom to boldly live for Christ, and share the good news with everyone.
You are absolutely right!
But you know, one thing has always perplexed me. Why is it that the countries where Christians are most willing to share their faith are the very same countries where persecution, up to and including death, is practiced?
Perhaps we would have more people sharing their faith in America if there was a real cost for doing so.