Fighting Friday Night
Ministry Update August 19, 2016
Friday night was a crazy night. Before we even started, a group behind us started yelling that they were going to come over and kick our a____. Then some started yelling that they were Wiccans and others said that they were Atheists. But overall they didn’t want to hear us preach. Then while Kelly was preaching, an angry man grabbed the woman that was with him and wouldn’t let her go. Diana said something to him and he cursed her. Then Aaron confronted him and he cussed out Aaron. He kept telling everyone to stay out of it.
Later on when Aaron was preaching, he was mentioning various sins and stated that men shouldn’t hit women. The angry man had moved to the back of the square and came charging up to Aaron. I saw him coming so I warned Aaron about him About the time he reached us, a stranger came up and stood in front of Aaron.
Angry Guy Punched In The Face
Then the angry guy confronted Kelly. After that he turned his attention to the stranger standing in front. The angry guy asked the stranger if he really wanted to mess with a second degree black belt and evidently the stranger did, because he reached back and punched the angry guy right in the face. The angry guy’s glasses went flying off his head. The angry guy just kept mouthing off, but the stranger had enough sense to walk away before the police showed up. It started off being a threatening Friday night, but ended up a fighting Friday night. Thankfully no one in our group was hurt.
Right Path God Has For Me
Before all of this excitement, before we even started singing hymns a young woman came up and wanted to know how she could know the right path that God has for her. Erica shared truth with her and then Aaron addressed three things the woman brought up. She admitted that she’s been on the wrong path.
I piped up that if she’s on the wrong path, she can be assured that God is not the one leading her that direction. We were getting ready to sing hymns and we always pray first. So Aaron asked if we could pray for her and she said yes. So he prayed for her, she thanked us for talking to her and we started singing. Actually before we started, a suspicious guy was lurking around our witnessing bag, so Aaron walked over and kept him out of our stuff.
After singing hymns, I brought a message about why we go out street preaching. I asked several times why do we do this? The angry guy (who wasn’t angry at this point) yelled out because of The Great Commission. I told him that was exactly right. Oh how quickly he went from knowing the truth to exhibiting devilish actions. A young man came up and sat down in front of me and wanted to know where God is. I told him that God is everywhere. That He’s all knowing, all powerful and everywhere. Aaron walked over and chatted with him, so I continued preaching.
Then Kelly preached after me and his message was from Romans 1. The group behind us that initially threatened us obviously didn’t like that message, but Kelly boldly proclaimed the truth to them and to everyone else on the square.
Are You A New Creature In Christ?
Then Aaron briefly, publicly answered how can we know God’s path for us, where is God and one other question that he heard that night. Then he brought a powerful message about how we become a new creature in Christ when we are truly saved. Too many Christians profess Jesus with their lips while their hearts are from Him. Too many people claim Christ and yet live their lives for the devil. No repentance, no salvation.
Tracting Machines
Throughout the night, Kelly’s son Steven and several young kids that Erica brought with her, ran around tracting the whole square. They did a fantastic job. After all the craziness, a policeman showed up to tell a young man that he can’t ride his skateboard on the square. As the officer was walking away, Desi, a young girl in our group ran up to him and tried to hand him a tract. He refused and told her that he doesn’t believe in that s___. It was very disappointing for a law enforcement officer to use such language in front of a young girl.
We finished the night singing hymns and the suspicious guy came back around again. This time a drunk confronted him and walked him away from the square. Right before we walked back to our cars a young man came up and asked us if we had more tracts. We all gave him various tracts. I asked him if he hands them out, he replied, no, I just like to read them. It was a crazy Friday night. But we hope and pray that God’s truth that went forth will break through heard hearts. That God will draw lost souls to Himself, all for His honor and glory.
Back To MSU Next Week
Last Wednesday I witnessed at Planned Parenthood during the lunch hour. This may be the last time witnessing there for a while. We will start witnessing back at Missouri State University next week, Lord willing. Planned Parenthood was busy. There were six cars there when I started bringing a message. About half of them left while I was witnessing. I brought a message, held a sign and read some Bible verses. Mainly I called the women to turn from their sins and turn to Jesus.
I’m An Atheist
An atheist walked by while I was preaching and I tried to hand him a tract. He refused it and told me that he is an atheist. So I stopped my message and told him that the Bible says in Romans 1 that there is no such thing as an atheist. That he’s merely suppressing the truth in unrighteousness. He kept walking away so I turned my attention back toward Planned Parenthood. About 10 minutes later he came walking back my way. I caught him out of the corner of my eye and then I couldn’t see him.
So I kept turning around to see if he was trying to do something behind me, but I couldn’t find him. Finally, I saw him across the street. This man crossed four lanes of traffic on a very busy road in order to avoid me (or to avoid God’s truth). How much more could you prove God’s word true than that? He crossed a dangers road in order to not hear the Gospel. Sounds like he really was suppressing the truth.
I finished the message without much interaction. It was sad to me that women would leave the building and hear the Gospel, but not heed it. I don’t know why they were at Planned Parenthood, but there’s absolutely no good reason for anyone to patronize that proficient baby murdering organization. After I finished up, I was putting my amplifier back up and a guy walked by me. I handed him a tract and he took it. May God bless and multiply that tract.
Great newsletter, Dennis! I am always encouraged to hear about your witnessing adventures. I am very glad no one in your group was injured. I believe God used the stranger to smite the heathen for you all. God bless.
We were grateful. That’s happened a couple of times lately where non-believers have stood up for us and we thank God for His protection, even when it is unconventional.
Yes, I can agree with that. (To the post above)
Adventures you wouldn’t have sitting at home.
Thanks Bob.
*God bless each & every one of you Warriors of Christ Jesus….Praise The Lord!
Thanks brother.