Few Versus Many
Ministry Update June 26, 2022
I love the stories in the Old Testament how God saves the Israelites by using few versus many. Now I’m not comparing my friends and I to the Israelite warriors in the Old Testament, but we did witness first-hand Friday night how God uses few versus many in a spiritual battle. Praise God that there were 10 of us evangelists out Friday night. Truly amazing, ten of us. But only one in our group knew about the pro-abortion rally being held in downtown Springfield, MO Friday night. The other nine of us were quite surprised when there were 500 pro-abortion protestors marching right past us Friday night.
By the time we got there Friday night, most of the pro-abortion marchers had already walked past our normal witnessing spot from the square heading East down St. Louis Street. So Trevor, Ellie, their girls, Keven, Joshua and Tyial and I started witnessing like normal. I brought a message and praise God Chase joined us (he had been invited by Trevor through an app called Signal) and then Matthew, the only one who knew about the abortion rally, felt led by God to come downtown to see what was going on. He saw that we had signs and were open-air preaching so he joined us too.
Drowning Out The Preaching
After my message, Trevor open-air preached. Four of us had signs and others handed out tracts (or tried to). The pro-abortion people that had all walked East of us, now headed back to the square and they walked right past us. I was so pleased to see Trevor and Elly’s girls stand firm and Tyial and Keven were also on the other side of the street as well as Matthew. They were all very bold and the pro aborts weren’t shy in telling us how they felt. They were so loud that when they all shouted in unison, they drowned out the preaching. But whoever was preaching just kept preaching anyway.
So many of the abortion marchers were very wicked and said some of the most vile things. They’d yell f-you, f-God, f-Jesus, Jesus loves abortions, and other things. One woman walked by me and said, “Suck my c___.” Three other people stood right in front of me to block my Repent and Believe the Gospel sign, so Joshua took it from and he stood off to the side of us. Some mockers took tracts only to throw them on the ground.
Some other loud and obnoxious pro aborts had a large sign and they stood in front of Chase as he open-air preached. But this just shows you how the Bible is right and they suppress the truth in unrighteousness. We prayed before we got started and we realized from the start that the battle wasn’t against flesh (people), the real battle was spiritual. Satan is the great deceiver and the father of lies and he has so many people deceived.
We all put up with verbal abuse for a couple of hours and handed out tracts when we could and we kept bringing messages. Matthew boldly told people that abortion is murder. Joshua got into a conversation with a couple of professing Christians. Elly got into some conversations as well. Through all the craziness, I had at least five people roll their windows down when they were near the corner I was standing at and they gave me a thumbs up or thanked us for being out there. Chase also boldly broke the sound barrier and open-air preached for the first time and he did a great job.
Great Discussion
At the very end Chase also got into a great discussion with a woman. They must have talked 30 or 40 minutes, but she told him what she believed and then she actually let him give her Scripture to back up what he was telling her. Praise God, it was a great conversation and we pray that God saves the woman as well as all the mockers we encountered. We really don’t want to see any of them die in their sins and go to Hell.
If the mockers do foolishly die in their sins, we will derive no pleasure when they stand before God on Judgment Day. But on that great and terrible day of the Lord, we will say yes Lord, we are witnesses. We proclaimed Your truth to all these people and they would not repent. There will be no joy on our part when they bow the knee to King Jesus on Judgment Day and then are cast into the lake of fire and brimstone (Matthew 13:41-42). I truly believe that we will have tears in our eyes, but we will say Yes Lord, You are righteous; You are Holy and You are just in Your judgment. But it will break our hearts to see so many mockers cast into the lake of fire. We truly hope and pray that God saves many of them before they die. We pray that they will repent and believe the Gospel.
(These updates are given to encourage Christians to share their faith in Jesus with others)
Wow. What a night. I’m glad you were all kept safe. Thank you for being a witness for the Lord. It’s great that there were 10 of you out witnessing.
Thanks brother. it was draining and thrilling at the same time.