Ministry Update: September 27, 2015
Friday night September 25, 2015 we sang hymns to start the night off and then Kelly preached first. He preached against the pope, Rick Warren and T.D. Jakes – he preached against false prophets. He had a heckler get right in his face telling Kelly that he shouldn’t judge and sadly he was the typical judge not heckler. They know Matthew 7:1, but that must be one of the only verses that they know out of the whole Bible. Because if you read just a few verses farther, Jesus is saying don’t be a hypocrite. Don’t tell others they shouldn’t steal if you are a thief. Don’t condemn adultery if you are out committing adultery. Jesus is saying don’t be a hypocrite.
But people like the Friday night heckler really need to read on down to Matthew 7:17-19 and Matthew 7:21-23. Instead of judging us as being judgmental, people like this heckler should worry about their own salvation. In fact, that’s why we go out street witnessing because we are concerned about lost souls.
While Kelly was preaching, I walked around and handed out a few tracts. One guy refused one because he said that he follows Odinism. I said what? He repeated it. I asked him to spell it. He said that he worships the Norse gods like Odin and Thor. (This is why I titled this False prophets and False gods). He excitedly told me that his religion has been around 40,000 years. I pointed out to him that someone has lied to him because man has only been around for 6,000 years and we know this because we can trace life back to Adam in the garden of Eden in the Bible. He told me to leave him alone because he didn’t want to hear about Jesus. I said I follow Jesus because He said that He is the way, the truth and the life and that no man comes to the Father except through Him. Again he told me to leave him alone, so I did.
Then I brought a message called Are You a Reasonable Person? The same guy that heckled Kelly came back and heckled me. Sadly, he too worships a false god. Instead of worshiping Norse gods, he worships a false god that he has made in his own mind (I did the same thing for decades before God saved me). This heckler’s false god can’t save him, just like the angry guy’s Norse gods can’t save him. Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is no other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved (Acts 4:12). Toward the end of my message a woman came up and left several cans of food. She said that she wanted to give them to us. She was very humble and it looked like it she couldn’t afford to give them away, but it was an act of worship to God on her part. I thanked her and continued preaching.
Aaron preached after me and he brought a message that Jesus is knocking at the door. By this time there was a pretty good crowd on the square. Then we finished the night off singing hymns again. But the most exciting parts of the night were before we even got started. Aaron had a man walk up to him and asked for prayer. He said that he had just gotten out of prison, so Aaron prayed with him. Just prior to this, Aaron witnessed to two young ladies who appeared to be college age. They admitted to Aaron that they were both lost. They told him that they attend Crossway Baptist Church (the same church I belong too!) so Aaron encouraged them to keep attending because my pastor- Eddie Bumpers preaches the Gospel. May God save these two ladies and may He save others we witnessed too Friday night.
On Wednesday September 23, 2015 I was blessed to have Aaron join me at MSU. I got there first, so I brought a short message. Then I stopped so Aaron could preach. He handed out tracts while I preached and I did the same while he preached. While I was handing out tracts a large student walked by and said he didn’t want a tract. I told him to have a nice day. He said no, he wouldn’t. I laughed and then he said he couldn’t have one as long as we were there preaching. He went into Strong Hall and walked out the doors on the other side with a young woman.
This young woman jumped up on the platform and started talking loudly. After Aaron finished up she was still going so he asked me if I had another message and I said sure. So I jumped back up and talked over her. I couldn’t tell what she was saying, but she was mocking God and Aaron said that she was making up a Pokemon god. After about 15 minutes, I had to go leave to get back to work, so Aaron preached again. I asked him later on how it went and he said that she finally gave up when she lost her voice. She did draw a small crowd of students. Hopefully they heard the Gospel over her nonsense and blaspheme.
In fact one young lady thanked Aaron for us preaching out there. This week I also had two students – Mai and Eddy thank me for preaching the Gospel at MSU. We expect hecklers at universities, but it is nice when God sends encouragers every now and then. We praise God that earlier in the week the Gideons handed out 5,100 New Testaments at MSU where there are just under 24,800 students enrolled. We are very encouraged by this and we ask that you join us in praying that God will direct the students to the New Testaments and that His word will convict and convert lost souls.
These ministry updates are posted to encourage Christians to share their faith in Jesus Christ with others. The harvest is plentiful and the laborers are few. Will you be one of the few? Will you be obedient to our Lord and Savior who told us to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature (Mark 16:15)?
I appreciate your desire to win people to faith in Jesus Christ but instead of pointing the finger at man and his faults and naming names why not just point to Jesus and who he is . If the “world” really knew Jesus, really had a revelation of his love for man kind, his unconditional love for mankind and that his death on the cross is the price that he paid for our sins. Just point to JESUS man! When you’ve seen him you’ve seen the Father and his love.!