Drunk Lesbians Threaten To Beat Us Up
A couple of self-professing drunk lesbians threatened to beat up Aaron, Erica and myself. Erica and Aaron have both been jailed for their faith and Aaron has been punched several times by unrepentant sinners. All that kept going through my mind was “this wouldn’t be the first time.” I’ve been attacked by a drunk lesbian before.
Aaron, Erica, Diana, Elise, Serenity, Josiah and I started the night off singing hymns, then we preached the Gospel. I had a couple of walk by hecklers. One stopped and kept cussing me out and telling me to shut up, but I kept preaching. During this time Aaron was having a good conversation with a young man that he invited to come to his church on Sunday. Erica was having a good conversation with a young woman during this time too. Nothing out of the ordinary, just preaching and witnessing.
Is The Bible Really True?
Then Aaron preached after me and it wasn’t long before the first drunk lesbian approached him. She wanted to know how we know the Bible is true. Aaron showed her several prophecies that have been fulfilled.
She was a professing Christian, even though she was cussing, smoking, clearly drunk and a professed lesbian (and she even claimed that she’s bisexual). Every time Aaron quoted her scripture to refute her beliefs, she kept saying that the Bible doesn’t say gays go to Hell. So he kept pointing her back to 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 and Romans 1.
No matter how many times she asked the questions, she kept refusing to hear the answers. She just kept repeating that Jesus died for all of our sins and that the Bible doesn’t say that you can’t go back to your sinful lifestyle after you are saved. This deluded young woman really thinks that Jesus saved her and that He’s alright with her continuing in her sinful lifestyle. Aaron at least had a civil conversation with her.
Angry Lesbian Wants To Fight
But then her lesbian friend came up and kept threatening to f us all up. She’d ask a question and then when we answered her, she’d immediately start yelling shut the f up b. She did this for around 45 minutes. She just kept repeating that God loves everyone. In other words, you can do whatever feels right to you, because God loves everyone. I asked her then why did Jesus die on the cross if God loves everyone? Why did Jesus have to die for our sins if you can just keep doing what you want? She jumped right back into I’ll f you up. You don’t think I’ll do it, do you b? But I will f you up.
When the drunk lesbians first surrounded Aaron, Erica came up and started recording it. Both lesbians hated that. They both told her to turn the camera off. She told them that she had a right to record in public. They both got mad and started yelling and cussing into the camera. The aggressive lesbian kept getting in Erica’s face and tried several times to grab the camera. At various times the “calmer” drunk lesbian would get aggressive toward us too.
It ended up being a strange night of witnessing, but it was really sad. Others came up and argued the same arguments as the drunk lesbians. Many people believe in God so they foolishly think that God is ok with them continuing in their overt sinful behaviors. They have no concept of repentance and faith in Jesus. Without repentance, you have no salvation (2 Corinthians 7:10). Scripture is very clear that no unrepentant sinner will enter into Heaven. Jesus said unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.
Gay Or Straight – Do Not Be Deceived
In 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, the apostle Paul says do not be deceived, the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God. Then he goes through a list of common sins that humans commit. It’s by no means an exhaustive list, but if your pet sin is on here, you know for sure that you will not inherit the kingdom of God. You will not enter into Heaven after you die. You have not been born-again. I tried to point out to the one lesbian that thinks you can sin freely because Jesus forgives all your sins that in verse 11 Paul says such were some of you. If you have not been radically changed, you have not been saved. If you are reading this and you think that you can sin at will because Jesus died for your sins, please examine yourself and see if you are in the faith. A saved life is a changed life.
The Laborers Are Few
Earlier in the week at Missouri State University, the laborers were few, but this week Aaron, Brian and I were joined by a couple of more Christians. Brian’s friend Matthew came out and handed out tracts. Aaron’s friend Sean came out with us, handed out tracts and he did open-air for the first time. He’s a passionate young Christian. I asked him if this was his first time open-air preaching and he told me that it was. I told him “don’t let it be your last.” We had a blessed time preaching and handing out tracts. We gave out hundreds of tracts. May God bless the tracts, convict the hearers and may God draw lost souls to Himself.
These updates are given to encourage Christians to share their faith in our Lord Jesus with others.)
Good newsletter, brother. You know, it seems you’re facing quite a lot of hostility lately. In a way I’m glad, as it shows they are being convicted. It’s better for the gospel to strike a nerve and have them convicted, as that’s when the Holy Spirit is working on their heart. I’d much rather that be the case than the person being apathetic towards the gospel. You mention the laborers are few, and that is true. However, from reading your newsletter, it seems like you have a good number of people going out to share the gospel, both downtown and at the campus. I’m glad to hear about this. God bless your faithfulness.
Thanks brother. One of the guys that joined us at MSU lives about an hour to 1 1/2 hours away, so I don’t think he will be able to join us very often. But it was wonderful having more people out there. As far as downtown, it seems this summer and fall that people are more vocal in their opposition to the Gospel and they’ve been more physical. But God has protected us from serious harm.