A lot of young people talk about zombies and the walking dead. It’s almost like you can’t get away from this subject. But instead of talking about the walking dead, I want to focus on the phrase “dead man walking.” Back in the 1960’s, correctional officers used to yell out “dead man walking” when a death row inmate was taking the last walk down the hallway to his execution (the state of Missouri used to carry out the death sentence by using the gas chamber).
I thought of this phrase recently when I was sharing the Gospel by reading Ephesians 2:1-10. The apostle Paul originally wrote this letter to the believers in Ephesus. Verse one mentions that followers of Jesus Christ were once dead in their trespasses and sins. In verse 2 Paul reminds the fellow believers that they once followed Satan and that they used to be disobedient to God. Verse 3 states that people who follow Satan are under God’s wrath.
Then it jumped out at me that all unbelievers are dead men walking! If you are not a follower of Jesus Christ our Lord, then you are spiritually dead. You will die a physical death one day (like the rest of us), but after that you will be condemned on Judgment Day (Romans 2:5). You will spend eternity in Hell where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matthew 13:42). You will still be spiritually dead and you will suffer God’s wrath for all of eternity.
In Ephesians 2:5, Paul tells us that believers, followers of Jesus are made alive with Christ. Don’t you want to be alive? Don’t you want to live the life that the great Creator has set out for you? Doesn’t being alive with Christ for all of eternity sound like a better plan than suffering beyond imagination…forever?
Don’t foolishly waste your life and continue living like a dead person while you are still on this earth. Admit that you have sinned against almighty God. Recognize your sinful nature by comparing yourself to the 10 Commandments. Cry out to God to have mercy on your soul and admit to Him that you are a sinner. Then turn away from your sins and put your trust in Jesus and in Him only to save you.
Then after you receive the free gift of salvation, God will send the Holy Spirit to live inside you (2 Timothy 1:14). That’s how we become alive and we get to be alive during this life! The Holy Spirit living inside you is a taste of what’s to come in the next life. Don’t miss this. Don’t miss out on the gift of salvation that God freely gives (Ephesians 2:8-9).
Stop your dead works and your dead life (Hebrews 9:14). Come alive in Christ Jesus (Romans 6:11) by repenting of your sins and putting your faith in Him. Being spiritually alive is so much better than living spiritually dead. Do this today. Then continue to follow Jesus. Read the Bible every day and obey God. Surrender your life fully to Jesus. Empty yourself of your selfish desires and fill yourself with God’s desires.