Questions and Comments are Welcomed
Questions about salvation, the Christian life or evangelism are welcomed.
Where will you spend eternity? Heaven or Hell?
Nothing is more important than your eternal salvation?
Repent and Believe the Gospel.
Contact – Seek and Save the Lost
I saw a post you had on Craig’s List today.
I also looked up your website and notice you stress the 10 Commandments a lot.
I understand what you are attempting to show that all men have sinned before God and need the Savior Jesus Christ. I agree.
But, are you saying that the Law of Christ is the Ten Commandments?
Are you saying that Jesus commanded to “keep the Sabbath Day holy”?
I have never read that anywhere in scripture.
Not to argue or debate. But this is something very important to consider.
I would have offered the very text you cite of 1Corinthians 9:20-21 and 22. However, the previous verses show that the Law of Moses was not kept by those under the Law of Moses. But the non-Jews do by instinct the things in the Law of Moses it says.
People are judged by what they do, whether good or bad it is written. 2Corinthians 5:10. Romans 2:15.
The Law of Christ is way beyond the 10 commandments which actually stem from the Law of Moses when you think about it. To do one aspect of the Law of Moses is to be under the curse of the Law which Christ has freed and delivered us from by His own death. Romans 7: 1-4; Galatians 3:10;
God the Father had prophesied that another would replace Moses as lawgiver and it would be required of everyone to hear Him and obey completely. Deuteronomy 18:15-19.
So the Law of Christ which all true believers/disciples are under is the following:
1. All that is written in the New Testament. 1Corinthians 14:37
2. What is written in our hearts and minds by God Himself. Romans 6:17; Hebrews 10:10,16. Romans 2:14. Romans 2:15.
3. All that which the Lord Jesus Christ speaks to us, in our hearts and spirits, by the Holy Spirit.
Revelation 2:11,17,29; 3:,13,22. Luke 6:46. Mark 4:23-25.
4. And, is the very things we ourselves would want done unto us by others. These are the things God holds us responsible to follow.
As we are crucified with Christ, buried, and raised with Him as a new man in Christ, with Jesus Himself being our life, we then walk in the liberty of Christ. This is what Romans 8 speaks that as we are in Christ and walk in the Spirit we fulfill the Law. By faith! We are led by the Spirit thus being sons of God by adoption.
Our rest, or Sabbath rest, is to cease from our own works. We are to live by faith, being justified by faith, and obeying the Lord in all He speaks to us written and by the Spirit. Hebrews 4. (and Hebrews 3).
The opposite of this is CAIN. Who offered to God things out of the earth. God had no respect for Cain nor His offering. So too with those operating out of religious flesh and not the new man in Christ by faith. All that is not wrought in God is not of God. We serve God acceptably by Jesus Christ. We must abide in Him as true branches thus bearing the fruit of Christ and the Spirit.
First, we repent of our dead works. Second, we have faith toward God.
This means our works are “wrought in God” by faith in Jesus. We are led to follow in His footsteps. Never self-willed, but as Jesus, we do the Father’s will.
Our bodies are presented to God as a sacrifice. Our minds are renewed. This is how we can do the will of God. If we are not crucified with Christ, nor come to Jesus, deny ourselves, pick up our cross daily and follow Jesus—then we are just religious people talking jargon and buzz words without any power, life or transformation.
This is not what God has called us to in His Kingdom.
“This is My beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased, the Father said. HEAR HIM!”
My sheep know My voice and they will not follow the voice of strangers, thieves, robbers, wolves or the hirelings. John 10.
So, I hope you find this edifying.
Our law is the Law of Christ Jesus. Not Moses.
We preach Christ and Him crucified, and raised, which is our hope.
Thank you for taking the time to comment here. Yes, I do mention the 10 Commandments frequently because unrepentant sinners do need to hear that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. When you ask most people if they are good, around 95% think they are good. So it’s vitally important to help people see that they are unrighteous and they need to turn to the righteous One, Jesus Christ our Lord.
We don’t try to keep the commandments in any way for our salvation. Jesus did say if you love Me, keep My commandments. His commandments were to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and to love our neighbor as ourselves. Our Lord summed up the 10 Commandments in these two commandments. The main goal is to get people to see that they have sinned against God and that Jesus is the only Savior. The hope and prayer is that God will convict lost souls to repent of their sins and surrender their lives completely to Jesus (to deny themselves, pick up their crosses and follow Him). Thanks again for taking the time to comment. May God bless you.