Have you ever bought cheap wine (I don’t drink alcohol anymore and I don’t endorse drinking), cheap furniture or a cheap car? How did any of these things work out for you? Usually when you buy something cheap it doesn’t last as long or it just isn’t as good as something that’s better quality.
Some Christians think of God’s grace as cheap grace. Because it didn’t cost them anything, they think of it as being cheap. For example, some Christians think that because once saved, always saved, they can live their life anyway they want to. They can do anything they want because they are going to Heaven. (I used to believe this).
But is God’s grace really cheap? I don’t think so. Grace is not cheap grace. God’s free gift was amazingly costly to God and to Jesus. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ came to earth and lived a perfect, sinless life. He suffered greatly on our behalf and then was crucified on the cross. He was a substitute for us. We have all sinned (Romans 3:23) and Jesus took our punishment.
And think about how God must have felt. If you have kids, can you imagine watching them take the blame or punishment for something they didn’t do? Or how do you feel when you are blamed for something you didn’t do?
So the next time you are tempted to give in to an immoral temptation don’t think that it will be alright because God will forgive you. (God will forgive you if you are sincere and you repent by turning away from your sins). Don’t keep repeating the same sin over and over again. The main way to break a habitual sin is to practice spiritual disciplines: pray, read the bible, meditate on scriptures, be careful what you say, do and see, fast, etc. Draw closer to God and He will draw closer to you (James 4:8). Ask God to give you the strength and courage to resist your sin of choice. If you still can’t break it, please consider getting professional help (especially from a Christian counselor).
Please don’t take God’s amazing grace for granted or treat it lightly. We are truly blessed that God will forgive us for our sins, but don’t think of it as being cheap just because it doesn’t cost us anything. God’s grace came at a great sacrifice and cost to our Lord Jesus.