Photo by Engin Akyurt on Unsplash
If Looks Could Kill
I didn’t open-air preach at MSU last Wednesday. Instead, I handed out the Why Christianity booklets from Living Waters. I got to the campus a little early, so I started off about a half a block away from Strong Hall (where the religious studies classes are held). A few students took the booklets, but one guy who has mocked me several times in the past, leaned way away from the booklet as if it would harm him if it even touched him. He loudly said, “H___ No!”
To which I replied, “Ok, have a nice day because you are going to have a lousy eternity.” Normally, I don’t respond in this way, but this guy has been mouthy and very antagonistic many times before and I thought he needs to hear the truth. So I continued by quoting John 14:6 where Jesus says I am the way, the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father but by me. I pleaded with him to repent and surrender his life to Jesus and for him to not die in his sins. About the time I said that, he spun around and if looks could kill, he would have killed me. He stood there for a bit and I really think he was contemplating coming back over to confront me or even fight. But in the end, he just turned back around and walked on to his vehicle. Every now and then I think its good to warn hardened mockers of what they are going to face in the end if they continue rebelling against God.
Many Why Christianity Booklets Handed Out
After that I went on to the witnessing spot in front of Strong Hall. Again, this is the building with religious studies and frankly it is my least favorite of the three free speech zones on campus. Many students seem very hardened against God and don’t want to hear biblical truth. So I prayed that God would have at least 50 to 75 students take booklets. To my surprise, all 150 booklets were handed out. More were taken here than were at the spot a few weeks ago that has much more foot traffic. Praise God for this.
One student took the booklet and then he said, “You do good work here, Sir. Keep it up.” I think he even wanted to pat me on the shoulder, but didn’t. I wish I would have thought of it in time and I would have given him a fist bump or shook his hand. But it was very encouraging and I thanked him for that. Then a little while later another student took one, realized what it was and handed it back to me. He told me that he’s a Christian and to save it for someone who needs it. I told him that I would do so, but I asked him if he knew anyone that needed it? A family member or friend? He stopped walking and really thought about it and decided that he could hand it out to someone. I told him that it’s a really non-offensive way of sharing truth with an unbeliever.
Then toward the end I handed one to a girl and she took it and started thumbing through it. I asked her if she’d read it and she said that she would. She then asked me if I was a Christian and I told her that I am one and I stated that the booklet talks about a lot of religions and that it explains why Christianity is the right one. She seemed genuinely intrigued, thanked me and went on her way. The way the witnessing started was more of what I expected from this area, but it turned out to be quite enjoyable and I thank God for the positive encounters and all the students who took booklets. May God bless and multiply the booklets (in other words, may the students who took them share them with others).
Friday Night Update
I was too sick to witness Friday night, but thankfully Michael and Joshua went downtown. Here’s Michael’s update: While I was waiting for Joshua, a guy stopped and started talking to me, so I tried to explain the gospel to him. After awhile, he was uncomfortable with how I was talking to him and with me telling him to make sure he’s truly saved. He wanted to go smoke a cigarette and so he left. He took a tract that Joshua gave him. Later, Joshua started a conversation with a photographer named Tyr. I think he said he takes pictures of drag queens. They talked a bit about photography, then we were able to talk to him some about Christ before he left. Praise God for Joshua and Michael sharing truth.
(These updates are given to encourage Christians to share the Gospel with others)