When you pay off a car loan or a mortgage you usually receive the original note stamped either “Cancelled” or “Paid in Full.” The debt is paid and you no longer owe any money on the loan. You are free from the burden, you are free from that debt. What an amazing feeling that is to no longer owe your obligation, to have your slate wiped clean.
If you are trusting in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior then you know what this feels like. You were once under the wrath of God. You were once a guilty sinner bound for Hell. But because you have turned away from your sins and put your faith in Jesus, you are free. You are no longer guilty. God sees you as clean because He sees you through the shed blood of Jesus Christ.
God doesn’t see you as righteous because of anything that you have done. No, He sees you as righteous because Jesus is righteous. You were guilty of your sins, but Jesus paid your fine. Jesus Christ paid the death penalty for you (if you have repented from your sins and put your faith in Jesus).
If these previous paragraphs do not describe you, then be afraid … be very afraid. Hebrews 10:31 says, “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” If you are not saved, then you are under the wrath of God. Your sins are an affront to our Holy God. If you die in your sins, your sin will forever separate you from God.
Don’t live your life in fear and under the wrath of God. Quit trusting in your own goodness to save you when you die. Put your trust in the only place it can be – in Jesus Christ. Acknowledge that you are sinner, ask God to forgive you of your sins. Then, turn away from your sins and put your full trust in Jesus to save you. Surrender completely to Him and then live your life for Him.
When your eyes are spiritually opened then you will be so grateful to Jesus for saving you that you will go out and tell everyone you meet that your debt has been cancelled. You will tell others that they can enjoy the same freedom that you have found.
The Bible says we either serve sin or we serve Jesus (Romans 6:16-18, 22). Sin is binding and when you are caught up in it, enough is never enough. More sin is all you want. But it never satisfies. Jesus on the other hand satisfies completely and Jesus came and died for guilty sinners so that believers would have life and have it more abundantly (John 10:10). Live your life free of debt and live more abundantly for Jesus Christ our Lord.