Through reading the Bible, God convicted me that I wasn’t saved. This happened in 2007. Then God convicted me in the first part of 2009 that I needed to share my faith with others. Carla MacLachlan (author of Parenting Moment by Moment) loaned me the first two seasons of Way of the Master. After watching the second show of season 1, I bought some tracts. I started leaving those with tips to waitresses. Then God convicted me to hand them to people directly. Shortly, after that He convicted me to open my mouth and talk to people.
Later that summer I went through the School of Biblical Evangelism. God was convicting me to get up on the box and to go out to do evangelism. So on Black Friday I went out by myself to hand out gospel tracts. I had a field day at Target. So much so that I ran out of tracts. I ran across the street to get more tracts. While waiting on the light to change, I was handing tracts out. I had just handed out a tract and heard people behind me, I turned around to hand a guy a tract and imagine my surprise when he was handing a tract to me!
The guy who was trying to hand me a tract was Greg Marlin, the founder of Born of Him Ministries. He asked me if I was with anyone else and I told him no. So he said come with us. I’ve been witnessing with these guys ever since. In fact, I just recently became a ministry partner with Born of Him.
I appreciate Greg’s boldness. I believe his motto is, “When in doubt, preach the Gospel.” Greg has never seen a crowd that he doesn’t like and he’s always ready to do open-air. Greg encourages me to boldly proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, especially when on the box.
Bruce Holcomb and Steve Williams are phenomenal at getting into one to one conversations. They genuinely like people and they love to hear how people came to Christ. I love how when someone tells them that they are a Christian, both guys will ask the person about their conversion (because if a person can’t tell you how they became a Christian, they may not really be saved).
Brad Rhame is another ministry partner and I always appreciate his enthusiasm and his willingness to hand out tracts. Plus, we always seem to have other people who go out with us – people from various denominations. People who love Jesus and are concerned for the lost.
Even though I will continue to post blogs on Seek and Save the Lost, I will also add posts to Born of Him Ministries Blog, like the one today, Why Does Jesus Offend?
Personally, I believe handing out tracts, getting into one to one conversations and doing open-air preaching is the front line of the spiritual battle today. I hope you will enjoy the blogs at Born of Him as well as the ones at Seek and Save the Lost.
You guys are amazing! You all are an encouragement to me. Keep up the good work
Thanks Jeremy. We are just sinners saved by grace who are grateful that God in His infinite mercy, saved us through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We do evangelism all for the honor and glory of God.