Ministry Update 11/18/15
On Wed. Oct 14th Aaron and I were witnessing at MSU. Aaron had a student follow him around mocking him for while, but he kept preaching. Shortly after that, three guys walked in front of us while Aaron was still preaching and one of the guys had an “Are You Ready” cross. Well that’s something that you don’t see every day, so I looked closer and I recognized Jesse Boyd from North Carolina. James and Michael were with him and they came over and talked for a while. It was a real blessing seeing other open-air preachers out on the campus.
James preached and while he did so another couple of guys in their group came over and one of them was Pastor Don and he witnessed to a student for a long time while James was preaching. I had to go back to work, but Jesse preached after that and again, it was such a blessing to see other Christians out witnessing, to others who are burdened for lost souls.
Then on Friday night I joined Aaron and several people from his church downtown along with Kelly and his son. Before we started singing hymns, three young men walked by. I handed them tracts and Alex said that he was a student at BBC. I asked him to share his testimony. He said that he said the sinner’s prayer when he was 8 years old, but didn’t really get saved until he was 14 years old. I told him that Aaron and I had similar stories, except that I didn’t get saved until I was 44 years old. I asked him if we could pray for him and he said sure. It was a real blessing to meet Alex and I do hope and pray that God will use him mightily for God’s kingdom work.
On Saturday, Greg, Doug, Peter, Ken, Austin, Summer and I witnessed before the MSU football game. It was a blessing to witness with these other Christians at MSU. Doug, Summer and I handed out tracts at a busy intersection. I talked to Josh. I asked him if he’s good enough to go Heaven and he said we won’t know until later. I told him that God gave us the 10 Commandents so we can look at ourselves like we look in a mirror and I quickly ran through some of the commandments with him. He admitted that he was a liar, thief, adulterer at heart and that God would find him guilty on Judgment Day. I was just telling him about Jesus being the only Savior when his friends pulled him away. I encouraged him to read his Bible.
Peter and Austin got into some good conversations and handed out tracts. Greg and Ken got into eight or nine good conversations. They talked to Jacob. Greg mentioned that Jacob is a strong Bible name and Jacob said that he grew up in a Christian family, but he knows that he is lost. Greg shared the Gospel with him and Jacob admitted that his brother has also been witnessing to him too. Greg pointed out that it was no accident that God sent him and Ken to witness to Jacob that day. Greg pleaded with him to repent and trust Jesus and he also invited him to come to Crossway Baptist Church. Jacob put the card in his billfold. Greg and Ken also witnessed to girls from England and France and to one guy from Germany.
While we were handing out tracts, a young lady asked Doug what it was and he told her that it was a Gospel tract. She thanked him for being out there and gave him a hug. That was a real blessing for us too. At one point a preacher and a friend of his stood at the same corner that we were one and they were trying to get voters to keep the state legislature from raising our state taxes. When the preacher realized what we were doing he thanked us for being out there and he told his friend that what we were doing was more important than what they were doing, so they left. We had a blessed day witnessing at MSU. It truly is a blessing to serve our Lord and Savior.

Banana man refused a million dollar bill tract. I asked if I could take his picture, he said yes, and then he took a Seek and Save the Lost tract from me.
(Christian, these updates are posted to encourage you to share your faith in Jesus Christ with others).