Ministry Update December 27, 2015
You guys are banned from shopping at Other Mothers. Yes, the manager of Other Mothers banned Aaron and I from shopping at their store ever again. What was our unpardonable crime? We purchased items in his store before we witnessed next door at Planned Parenthood. What were the hateful, unloving words that we spoke in front of Planned Parenthood? Luke 2. That’s right, we sang carols and preached about the birth of Jesus. We did this two days before Christmas. (I will post the message – The Birth of Jesus in a couple of days). So it appears that Other Mothers, a store that sells used children’s clothing supports Planned Parenthood, an organization that kills off their potential clients. Yes, we live in a mixed up world where evil is called good and good is called evil.
Before the banishment, we started off singing carols and then preached about the birth of Jesus. When we first started a guy ran up to us and wanted to know where we parked. I asked him why that matters. Then I saw his shirt said Fast Signs on it and that business is in the same shopping center as Other Mothers. He told us that what we were doing was wrong. He went to bible college and said that we aren’t loving people to God. So I asked him if killing 3,000 babies in the womb every day was loving God. He walked away saying bull…., this is bull…. So I asked him if he learned that word at bible college. He just kept walking away continuing to curse.
What a Difference a Day Makes
What a difference a day makes. Actually, it was probably more of the difference in location, but Aaron and I sang carols and did stoplight preaching in front of Hobby Lobby on Christmas Eve. No, we weren’t protesting Hobby Lobby. We witnessed there because it is a very busy corner and one of the entrances to the mall. Probably 90% of the people who drove by us had positive reactions. One lady even walked across the parking lot and clapped when Aaron was preaching. One of our fellow laborers in Christ – Kelly drove by and waived to us as well as member of my church who waived too. Aaron knew a young man who drove by, honked and waived to him. One guy pulled into the parking lot near us and thanked us for being out there. He said that he went to church when he was younger (implying that he doesn’t go to church now). Aaron and I both gave him tracts.
The Gospel is Offensive
After we sang a few carols, Aaron read Luke 2 and then he expounded on the birth of Jesus. The manager of Hobby Lobby came up to me and looked at the signs I was holding. He said can I ask you why customers coming into the store complaining that you guys are preaching hate. I told him that I didn’t know why because Aaron was just reading Luke 2, the birth of Jesus. At that exact moment Aaron was reviewing the highlights of Luke 2, so the manager could hear for himself that our message was not hateful, we were proclaiming the birth of our Lord. The manager seemed truly dumbfounded and he repeated again that he didn’t understand why people were claiming that we were preaching hate. So I just said the Gospel is offensive to those who are perishing (1 Corinthians 1:18). He told us to have a good day and I wished him Merry Christmas. He walked away shaking his head.
A few drivers honked because they weren’t happy with us and one guy in a pickup truck spoke to us through a loud speaker that we needed to quit because we were going to cause an accident. Another guy stopped right in front of us, read the sign, gave us a thumbs down and drove off. Many people smiled and waived to us or honked with approval. We even handed out a few tracts to people who were walking by on foot. May God use His truth to convict those who heard the Gospel.
*what you are doing is Righteous in the eyes of our heavenly Father, that is all that matters. as our Lord Jesus once said….
“18 If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. 19 If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.”
You warriors of Christ Jesus, God bless you all!
Thank you for the kind words and the encouragement. May God be glorified above all.
God bless you, and may God thwart your enemies and give you souls for your labor.
Thank you.