Several years ago I was driving to Columbia, MO with my wife and youngest son in the car. We were just a few miles outside the city limits and we were following a truck that was pulling a John Deere lawn mower on a trailer. I remember watching the lawn mower and then I fell asleep at the wheel! I ran off the road – the right side tires were off the road and my wife screamed, “Dennis, what are you doing?” “Sleeping,” I replied.
Needless to say, I pulled the vehicle over and my wife drove the last few miles to our destination. I was thinking about this the other day and the thought came to mind that a lot of people are spiritually sleep walking through life or they are spiritually asleep at the wheel. I take no pleasure in saying this, but it is true. I know, because I used to be dead in my sins and wrongly thought that I was saved when I wasn’t. I was spiritually asleep at the wheel.
Ephesians 2:1 states, “And you has he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins.” This verse shows that if you are an unbeliever, you are dead in your sins. Jesus is the only Savior. He is the only One who can quicken you; make you come alive. If you are an unbeliever you need to repent and believe the Gospel. Trust Jesus to save you.
In Ephesians 5:14 the apostle Paul said, “Awake you that sleep, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give you light.” Christian, is God first in your life? Are you on fire for Jesus? Does Jesus direct you through the Holy Spirit? Or are you spiritually asleep? Are you going through the motions of being a Christian? Are you living for God or are you living for yourself?
If you are truly saved, are you spiritually alive? In 1 Thessalonians 5:6 Paul writes, “Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.” If you have been born again, Jesus resides in you through the Holy Spirit. You should live your life like a person who is alive; spiritually alive and on fire for God. Others should be able to tell this by your words and your actions. You should joyfully proclaim the Good News to others.
Don’t live as a spiritually dead person any longer. Don’t be asleep at the wheel. Ask yourself this question: Am I alive in Jesus Christ and is Christ alive in me? (Romans 6:11; Galatians 2:20). Surrender your life fully to our Lord Jesus and truly come alive!
The whole website is full of information to share the Gospel. Thanks.