1. Guest

    God is a very rotten evil filthy scumbag too, and just look at what he is doing to many of us good innocent people now. How very disgusting.

    • dennis@seekandsavethelost.com

      Actually, you have it backwards. You and I (along with everyone else are the rotten, evil filthy scumbags). None of us are innocent. We’ve all sinned against God. There is none righteous, no not one. God alone is good. That’s why we all need a Savior. Repent and surrender your life to Jesus Christ the Lord before you die and perish in your sins.

      • Guest

        Dennis, wake up and smell the coffee. Look what in the world is happening to us now. God is working with these liberals to destroy our America now, which he really needs to punish those low life animals altogether to begin with. And i am bringing politics into it to use as an example. Why is God letting this happen when it is very wrong in the first place? This is what happens when they let very brainless and clueless people vote.

        • dennis@seekandsavethelost.com

          God has been judging America for a long time. As a nation as a whole, we’ve turned our back on God, turned our back on little babies in the womb and have absolutely gone against the Bible. We have what we have because of our national sins. The only hope for America is the same hope for us individually, Christ Jesus alone.

          • dennis@seekandsavethelost.com

            Not true. God’s arm is not shortened that He cannot save (Isaiah 59:1). God is still sovereign and He’s still in control.

  2. Jason

    God is a real filthy low life pig to begin with since he has punished many of us good men with singleness when many of us never wanted to be in the first place. What is the purpose of life for many of us single men that really wanted a wife and family to share our life with instead of being single and alone all the time? Then again God the brainless fool created so many very rotten and evil women nowadays that certainly added to our problem too. Especially the women that will curse at many of us men for absolutely no reason at all when we will just try to start a conversation with them by just saying good morning or hello. Gee Wiz, what is that all about when i know other single friends that had it happened to them as well. A lot of very severely mentally disturbed women everywhere nowadays that God the fool created unfortunately.

    • dennis@seekandsavethelost.com

      You have it quite backwards, we are the filthy rotten sinners and God is Holy, righteous and just. Blaming God for you being single (and having women problems) is what’s quite foolish. But more than that, you should be more concerned about the way you blaspheme God. Because God is just, you will be punished and that punishment will be everlasting damnation in the lake of fire and brimstone. That is, if you foolishly die in your sins. If you die outside of Christ Jesus. Forget about women and quit blaming them and God for your problems. Instead, recognize that you have offended God. Cry out for God to save you. Repent and surrender your life to Jesus. Do this before it’s too late.

      • Fact

        Dennis, the other guy was right though about so many women being very rotten and evil today unfortunately. Why didn’t God create most women today like back in the old days when most of the women back at that time were real ladies and very old fashioned. What in the world did God do to these very pathetic women nowadays. Oh i know, feminism and narcissism in women today is at an all time high now.

        • dennis@seekandsavethelost.com

          You guys can’t keep blaming God about women being evil. Just look at Romans 1. God turns unrepentant, hard-hearted people over to their reprobate minds. But this isn’t just for women or just for men. So you can’t just pick on women or pick on men. It comes down to a heart issue and the unrepentant heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked, who can know it? (Jeremiah 17:9). The only hope is through Christ Jesus alone.

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