While out street witnessing, we have run into atheists, pagans, wiccans, new agers and members of every cult you can think of. Satan has deceived so many people. It reminds me of Judges 17:6 where it says “every man did what was right in his own eyes.” You see so much evil that you are sure that God has forsaken America because America has forsaken God.
But the wonderful turn out for Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day by hundreds of thousands of people all around the country was a real blessing to witness. It makes you realize that there are plenty of people who still believe in God and His Holy Word and this reminds me of where God said that He had reserved 7,000 who hadn’t bowed down to Baal (1 Kings 19:18).
It was a great day for Christians and I believe it made a real statement that many people in our country still believe in biblical values. It really was wonderful to see people patiently stand in line for over an hour. There was no pushing, no shoving, no yelling. People just patiently waited to place their order and show their support for God and traditional marriage.
But is this all there is? Are Christians willing to do more? Are we willing to protest in front of abortion clinics? Over 50 Million babies have been murdered by doctors with their mother’s consent since 1973. Are we willing to stand up for what is right? Are we willing to speak to others about Jesus?
August 1, 2012 was a great day for Christians standing up for what they believe in. It was a real blessing to be a part of and it was wonderful to see so many people come out and support Chick-fil-A. But it was just one day and one positive protest.
What else are you willing to do for God? Are you willing to look foolish for the sake of the Gospel (1 Corinthians 1:27)? What are you willing to give up sacrificially for God (Acts 4:32)? What burden are you willing to bear for Jesus our Lord (Galatians 6:2)? Are you willing to help the helpless (James 1:27)? Are you willing to proclaim the Gospel to this lost and dying world (Mark 16:15)? How far are you willing to go (Luke 9:24)? Are you willing to do more (Matthew 16:24)?