God Will Fix This
This joke of a newspaper is trying to making fun of Republicans but they are actually offending God. If God fixed this immediately, then He’d have to wipe out every unbeliever in the world. Make no mistake, He did this before and at that time He only saved the 8 souls on the ark (Genesis 6:9-8:18).
These and all other mockers and scoffers will get their wish some day, but they don’t know what they are actually asking for. They don’t understand their sinfulness and God’s righteousness. They don’t realize that God will fix this!
Judgment Day is coming and they won’t like the results on day because none are righteous – no not one (Romans 3:10-12). They will stand before God on that great and terrible day and all those whose names are not written the book of life will be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone (Revelation 20:11-15). Those who mock God like these newspaper writers and editors’ who die in their sins will not find their names written in the book. If Jesus Christ is not your righteousness, then you are not right with God and you cannot be right without the Risen Savior (2 Corinthians 5:14-21). Repent and trust Jesus (Acts 20:21). Do this before it’s too late.