Not Many Fish
Ministry Update August 1, 2021
We had five fishermen Friday night, but not many “fish”. Yes, we are fishers of men and we were excited to be downtown witnessing even in the extremely hot weather, but there just weren’t many people milling around. Robert and Carl came out with Keven and Pastor Mike and I were there too. We handed out tracts for about an hour and I brought a short message at that first corner. One guy flipped me off the whole time he turned the corner in front of us, but that was about it as far as mockers go. A couple of women listened for a while from across the street.

After I brought a message, we all headed to the square. It turned out Keven and his group were going to visit a friend, so Pastor Mike and I stayed near the square and handed out tracts. One young man asked me if I was getting ready to preach and I told him that I already brought a message. He asked what Scripture I used, so I told him that it was about the Pharisee and tax collector in Luke 18:10-14. While we were talking to the young man, Brian a state representative from Branson, MO came up and shook our hands. He thanked us for witnessing downtown and told us that he goes out witnessing on the square in Branson with some people from his church. That was encouraging to hear too. Pastor Mike and I had some takers and some rejectors of Gospel tracts.
Do You Wanna Tell Me About It?
On the way to see their friend, Keven and his guys handed out tracts too. Here’s what Keven said happened before they got to their friend’s apartment: “After you guys left, the 3 of us were walking along South St. & Walnut and I handed a tract to some young guy, who said, what’s this? “Jesus, the gospel” I say and he said “Do you wanna tell me about it?” And it was on. He was a bit drunk, and admitted it, but was quiet & respectful and actually asked questions that made sense. Such as, if Jesus died for the sins of the world, are we not automatically just forgiven? No, you have to ask for it. Then Carl gave a bit of his testimony. Then the guy’s two friends sort of dragged him off”. We praise God for this encounter. May God save the young man and may the Lord bless the tracts that were handed out.
(These updates are provided to encourage Christians to share the Gospel with others. Hand out Gospel tracts, tell others how God saved you when you repented of your sins and put your faith in Jesus)