Smaller Crowd Than Normal
Ministry Update June 7, 2020
Friday night I brought a message Are Deathbed Confessions Real in downtown Springfield, MO. The parking lot across the street was nearly full, but the lot behind me was completely empty. There weren’t nearly as many people out as would have been before COVID-19, but it was great to be out witnessing again. Five people stopped to listen to at least part of the message. A man in a wheelchair actually rolled down to the corner and he listened to the whole message. One gentleman kept yelling “Read Exodus 3:14”. I kept open-air preaching and every now and then he would yell the same thing. After I finished talking about how Jesus suffered, bled and died on the cross for guilty sinners and rose again from the grave and how the Lord is the only Savior and pleaded with people to repent and trust Him, I read Exodus 3:14.
The Great I AM
The man cheered after I read the words God said to Moses, “I am who I am.” And he said, “Say this to the people of Israel: ‘I am has sent me to you,’” I pointed out that Jesus said, “Before Abraham was, I am.” This is the One I’ve been talking about! Jesus is the great I AM. He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords and every knee will bow to Him. Oh, but you must do so in this life in order to receive everlasting life. If you wait until Judgment Day to do so, it will be too late. On Judgment Day, those who say it then, will be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where they will suffer forever. After stating this, I pleaded with people to repent and surrender to Jesus. Today is the day of salvation.
After sharing the Gospel in the open-air, I walked around downtown and handed out tracts. Many people refused, but only one guy stated that it was because he was afraid of taking anything from anyone (afraid of the coronavirus). But I was quite surprised at the number of people who willingly took a Gospel tract. Some even took one after they asked me what it was and I told them that it’s a Gospel tract – it tells you about Jesus. May God bless the tracts and have people share them with others and may God bless the message that went forth, even though it was a smaller crowd than normal.