Empty Parking Lot Says It All
Ministry Update March 22, 2020
Yes, the empty parking lot says it all. This is the lot I like to park in when I witness downtown. Most Friday nights, I’m lucky if there are a few spots available. Many times, it is full and I have to park elsewhere. But Friday night as you can see, it was completely empty. Luckily, there were still a few people milling around downtown and there were some people still driving around. But with the Gillioz Theatre closed, restaurants reduced to carry out only, it significantly reduced the foot traffic downtown. The bars were still open with signs on the doors, so I’m not sure what they were doing. I only saw one person go into the bar across the street from me. Covid-19 or the coronavirus has pretty much shut everything down.

Driver Flipping Me Off
A couple that were out jogging waved as they passed by and one guy let me know his displeasure with the Gospel as he flipped me off as he drove in front of me. But other than that, it was pretty quiet. After bringing the message, I held a sign on the corner that reads “Repent and Believe the Gospel”. A guy took a picture of me holding the sign.
Lifting Up The Name Of Jesus
One guy walked to the corner a couple of times while I brought the message and a couple of people in vehicles listened to part of the message. But why bring a message at all when there are so few people out and about? Lifting up the name of Jesus is lifting up the name of Jesus whether there are many or just a few people around. Jesus is the name above all names and He is worthy of all praise, honor and glory. Praise the King of kings.

Guy On The Corner Listening To Part Of The Message

Holding Sign At Corner
I didn’t get the chance to witness at Missouri State University this Wednesday. I wasn’t around to witness anyway, but even if I had been, the university extended Spring Break another week and then they are going to online classes only after that. So it looks like there won’t be any more campus ministry the rest of this semester. I’m going to miss witnessing at the college, but I’m grateful for the times that I have been able to witness there.
(These updates are given to encourage Christians to share the Gospel with others. Yes, you should be safe while being around others during this pandemic, but what a perfect time to share the Good News of Jesus Christ when people are thinking/worried about dying.)