Search and Rescue

Have you put your trust in Jesus? If so, then you have been justified by Him. You are guilty of your sins, but because of Jesus’ sacrifice, God can legally let you go free. Jesus bore your sins for you. God now sees you through the righteousness of Jesus! This is indeed Good News. If you haven’t put your faith in Jesus and turned away from your sins, what’s keeping you from doing so right now?Acts 20:21 tells that we are to have “repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.” Are you justified with God today through the shed blood of Jesus?
Read these words of Isaiah: he has poured out his soul to death…
Do we really appreciate the sacrifice Jesus made on our behalf? His soul was poured out to death! Have you received the amazing gift of salvation? Have you bowed your knee and confessed with your mouth that Jesus Christ is LORD? If you haven’t, you will…one day (Philippians 2:10-11). But if you wait until Judgment Day, then it will be too late (Romans 2:5). God will have no mercy on your soul on that day if you wait until then to grudgingly profess the name of Jesus. Oh sinner, please confess and forsake your sins today! Today is the day of salvation. Turn away from your sins and put your trust in Jesus Christ. Surrender your will completely to Him right now!
It pleased God to bruise His Son on our behalf. This shows exactly how seriously God takes our sins! There’s nothing we can do on our own to atone for our sins against our Holy God. Have you received the most amazing gift of salvation? Is Jesus your Lord and Savior? Have you repented and believed the Gospel? (Mark 1:15).
Jesus died a cruel, cruel death on the cross. Our Lord Jesus was buried for three days. Then on the third day He rose from the grave victoriously! The sinless One defeated sin, death and Hell. He died for guilty sinners who turn away from their sins and put their trust in Him. Are you ready to submit to our Lord and Savior?
Jesus was around 30 years old when He began His ministry (Luke 3:23) – preaching the Gospel and healing the sick (Matthew 4:23). His ministry lasted only about three years. Jesus died at a really young age. Do you appreciate what Jesus did for guilty sinners? Have you received the free gift of salvation? (Titus 3:5-7). If not, what’s holding you back?
Jesus took the punishment we deserve! Have you surrendered to Him; thereby acknowledging this fact? Are you saved? Or are you refusing the free gift of salvation? Why will you die in your sins and suffer for eternity in Hell? Jesus paid the price. He paid your sin debt, but you must receive salvation. Don’t reject this amazing gift. Repent and believe the Gospel.
Many of my friends and church family believe that people come to Christ by our actions. In other words, we do good works and people will ask us about Jesus. Or they think that people will just see a difference in you and ask you what you have. There is nothing wrong with helping others. In fact we are commanded to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. The problem is that members of cults do good works, as well as many atheists.
“We have turned everyone to his own way” (Isaiah 53:6). These words were true back when Isaiah prophesied them. How much more true are they in our day and time? We have turned to our own way. Do you see evidence of people doing what they want to do? Do you do what you want to to do? Or do you do what God leads you to do?
Jesus was brutally beaten for sinful people. Do you appreciate what our Lord and Savior did for you? Are you a follower of Jesus? Have you submitted to Him? Do you willingly bow your knee to the One who suffered horrendously for you? Or do you still reject Him? Jesus was brutally beaten. He suffered the wrath of God for the sins of the world. But you have to receive salvation. Have you turned from your sins and turned to Jesus? Are you saved?